A Different Kind Of Title Insurance Company
The CATIC Title Insurance Company family of origin dates back to 1966, with the founding of CATIC, a title insurance underwriter operating in 21 states throughout the United States. Under the umbrella of our parent company, CATIC Financial Inc., CATIC Title Insurance Company is licensed to issue title insurance policies in New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania.
We are a different kind of title underwriter! We are like a “mutual company” which means we answer to our clients, to our policyholders, and to ourselves, not to shareholders or to Wall Street. We honor, foster, and seek to enhance the experience of the title insurance agent, the attorney, the real estate professional, and our insureds in the real estate transaction process.
CATIC Title Insurance Company is a member of the American Land Title Association, New Jersey Land Title Association, New York State Land Title Association, and Pennsylvania Land Title Association. Our policies are accepted by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac for the secondary market. CATIC Title Insurance Company has reinsurance treaties with CATIC and Lloyd’s of London and can automatically issue policies of up to $30,000,000 under these reinsurance treaties. Facultative reinsurance is available for policies in excess of that amount. In the past two years of business, we have insured transactions over $100,000,000. For our financial information and ratings, please click here.
At CATIC Title, we dedicate ourselves to providing high-quality professional services to our title insurance agents, attorneys, insured lenders/borrowers, homebuyers, and other members of the real estate community. We understand what it takes to build a successful business and we provide our agents with the resources necessary to do just that. Contact us now to learn more about the benefits of working with us.

Right where you need us
With offices in New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, local knowledge of the community means we're on the ground and ready to help.
Our sister company, CATIC, is licensed throughout the East.